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Our company offers a specialized service to landowners, providing assistance and support through the entitlements phase of a development. Entitlements refer to the legal and regulatory approvals necessary for a property to be developed for its intended use, such as zoning changes, land use permits, environmental clearances, and other required permits.

Our team of experts works closely with landowners to navigate the complex entitlement process, ensuring that all necessary approvals are obtained efficiently and effectively. Our services include:

  • Feasibility Analysis: We conduct a thorough analysis of the property, including its zoning, land use, and environmental conditions to determine the feasibility of the proposed development.

  • Strategy Development: Based on our analysis, we develop a strategic plan for obtaining the necessary entitlements, including a timeline and budget.

  • Permitting and Approvals: We work closely with regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and community groups to obtain the necessary permits and approvals, including zoning changes, land use permits, environmental clearances, and other required permits.

  • Public Engagement: We engage with the public and community groups to inform them about the proposed development, address their concerns, and ensure that their input is considered in the entitlement process.

  • Project Management: We oversee the entire entitlement process, ensuring that all approvals are obtained in a timely and efficient manner and that the project stays on track and within budget.

Our team has extensive experience in the entitlements process and is dedicated to providing landowners with a comprehensive and effective service. We understand that the entitlement phase is critical to the success of any development project and work closely with our clients to ensure that their goals are achieved while minimizing delays and maximizing efficiencies.

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